Known by the New York Times as the “deliciously goofy Guglietti,” Tony Guglietti received his BFA from Tisch School of the Arts at NYU. Upon graduation he became a founding member of Sean Curran Company, with whom he toured regularly across the United States, France, and Germany from 1998-2005. In 2012, Tony returned to Sean Curran Company to tour to Central Asia as part of an international exchange initiative of the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, sponsored by DanceMotion USA and produced by BAM.
While in New York, Tony also performed with Brian Brooks Moving Company, Peter Pucci, and Joanna Mendl Shaw. Tony has been privileged to dance on some of New York’s finest stages, including Jazz at Lincoln Center, The Metropolitan Opera House, and three seasons at The Joyce Theater. His performing has been cited in the New York Times, the Village Voice, the LA Times, and other local publications.
From 2010-2016, Tony directed the dance program at the Pomfret School in CT. He has also taught at Adelphi University, Harvard University, and a number of local pre-professional and competitive studios. In addition to his work with PDM, Tony regularly dances and collaborates with partner Kristin Wagner as “Decent Dance.” Outside of dance, Tony refs hockey, thinks hot dogs are a perfectly acceptable meal, eats too much fast food, and has absolutely no understanding of the internet and/or technology. Tony is an excellent painter (houses, not canvas) so if you need a fresh coat on your living room walls, check out Steady Guglietti Precision Painting on Facebook.